R.G.'s Favorite Organization: VOTE for Communities In Schools!

Hi Everyone,
Communities in Schools is an organization that helps at-risk youth, and keeps them from dropping out of school. Ruthie's Greetings, LLC exists because of the programs and support provided by Communities In Schools. When I was in high school and college, I was a participant in two of their programs, Studioworks and Artsworks. After graduating from college, I came back to work directly in the CISNJ office as a Senior Apprentice Artists and assisted in helping them make a difference in other student's lives as they had in mine. I am now a member of the Advisory Board of Communities In Schools of NJ and the owner of my own business Ruthie's Greetings, LLC. Communities In Schools has made a big impact on my life, and I want to help it make a big impact in the lives of others.

YOU can help me in this effort... Communities In Schools is in the running to receive $50,000 in the ATT Connect for Good 80K Vote for Education and you can HELP!

1. Please visit here to VOTE. 

2. Just click "Vote" under the Communities In Schools logo. You may vote 1 time a day. Please pass on the link to family & friends!

3. Voting ends February 14, 2012

To find out more about Communities In schools,  please visit http://www.communitiesinschools.org/

Communities In Schools of NJ: http://www.cisnj.org/


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