It's funny to see the hustle and bustle of everyday life, here in the U.S. We have become a society that is always on the go. We check our cellphones, our clocks, and our pace. But,Thanksgiving is a time where we stop and check our blessings :-) I like to thank God for mine everyday. I am thankful for each and everyday that I was allowed the chance to wake up. I am thankful for growth. I'm thankful for those Thanksgiving Eves that my grandmother "Ruth" stayed up making pies and cakes for the feast the next day. I am thankful for God providing me with creative outlets (Ruthie's Greetings & writing) to express myself. I am thankful for the smiles that I receive. I am thankful for my "failures" because they were blessings in disguises :-) I am thankful for God's love and blessings over my life. I'm thankful for his protection. I'm thankful for my friends, family, and associates. Most o